Finger Deformities


Camptodactyly is the position of flexion of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. Translated from Greek, camptodactyly means “bent finger.”  It may be first noted in the newborn, as a congenital camptodactyly, or it may present or progress in adolescence.   There are a number of anatomical structures that have been described as “causing” camptodactyly including abnormal muscle and tendon insertions.  Additionally, camptodactyly may results from weak muscle extension power at the PIP joint or may be a part of a larger syndrome such as arthrogryposis.
There are no easy answers for camptodactyly but treatment starts with therapy.  Extension splinting at night (a static or resting splint) and more aggressive splinting during the day (dynamic or static progressive splinting) may be helpful.   Surgery does not provide an easy answer and the results may be disappointing to both surgeon and patient.  The position of the joint can usually be improved but almost never can it be made normal.  Surgery can also help with therapy by taking a joint that had been difficult to splint and making splinting possible.  Surgery usually consists of releasing any abnormal structures that may be limiting PIP joint extension, possibly release the tight joint itself, and possibly moving tendons to increase the strength of extension of the PIP joint.    One of the risks of surgery that worries the surgeon is the loss of ability to fully bend the finger.
Camptodactyly of small finger PIP joint.  Adolescent type.
Patient is attempting to straighten small finger. 


  1. treatment is difficult either conservative or operative.but if extension loss is less than 60% conservative is better because of poor result and stiffness associated with operative management.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I agree that treatment for camptodactyly is a challenge. Mild deformity can often be treated with success using splints alone. Moderate or severe deformity are indeed difficult with nonsurgical care or surgery.

  3. The first step is to find a congenital hand specialist to confirm the diagnosis and initiate treatment. Stretching is likely to be recommended and sometimes splinting. Early initiation of these treatments has a good chance of being helpful.

  4. This looks exactly like what my son has also. On 6 fingers. 3 fingers each hand. (the index finger and thumb of both hands are not affected) I saw 1 hand specialists, pediatric hand surgeon and a hand surgeon (when we lived in Kansas) from the time he was born to 18 months. None of them knew what it was and said to wait untill he's a bit older, none suggested splinting even though my son's left hand seems more affected and the fingers are really bent. A fourth specialist said that this looks like it could be camptodactyly, said surgery doesn't help much and may even injure his nerves, then he referred me back to the peadiatric hand surgeon.
    We have since then moved to East Africa and have not seen any more specialists. My son is now 3. I stretch his hands gently when he's asleep. Is there something else I should be doing? Is splinting still an option?

  5. I appreciate your comments and this can be a confusing diagnosis. In principle, I agree with stretching and typically recommend stretching 3-4 times/ day for a few minutes each session. Obviously not to the point of pain. Splinting might be an option but difficult to confirm without clinic visit and x-rays. Good luck.

  6. I have this condition in my right hand and it's never been a problem although the other middle joints have always been a bit larger in my right hand. In the last few years I've started experiencing some arthritis like symptoms. I have rock climbed on and off for 20+ years and do many other activities but there's an increasing recovery period from pain and stiffness in that hand. I'm 49 so some of this the symptoms might just be age related or is this a pretty standard progression?

  7. have a nice day ,I am a physiotherapy student in Poland ,may I know what is your best solution ,to solve captodactyly ,how ever the result would be deppend on the time that how early we diagnose such syndrome ,splinting ,electrical machines or even casting could be well to avoid deveolp or even cure !?

  8. This is what I have on my right hand, my small finger looks just like the picture above. I am 21 and was diagnosed with this abnormality when I was around the age of 16. On my left hand I have another abnormality in my small finger. My small finger does not bend at the middle joint but instead stays straight, when my hand is laid flat it looks normal, but when I make a fist my finger stays mostly straight except for the top joint near the tip of my finger and the joint near the base of my finger. When I saw the doctor he didn't have much to say about the left hand small finger other than it was a frozen joint. Is there a more technical term for this or is it similar or at all related to Camptodactyly?

  9. Thank you for posting. Your symptoms could be arthritis as some types of camptodactyly seem more prone to develop joint problems such as arthritis. The joint mechanics are also abnormal in camptodactyly, increasing the risk of difficulties. Bottom line is that if the finger is bothering you enough, a hand surgeon consultation with x-rays makes sense.

  10. Thank you. I believe in splinting and even serial casting for most patients with camptodactyly. I do agree that younger patients may respond better. However, these treatments do not cure the problem, only (hopefully) make it better.

  11. The left small finger is likely something called symphalangism, although this is just my educated guess. Symphalangism is the failure of the joint to develop normally. There are other possibilities for sure to explain your difficulty including a simple lack development of a joint.

  12. I think I might have this, but I've never received any kind of therapy for it. It's very slight and isn't nearly as noticeable as the photo above. It's also never hindered me in any way, except that sometimes when I need to have my hands flat against a surface for an extended period of time (when I am washing my car, for example) my pinkie finger starts to hurt because of the strain. I first noticed it in kindergarten when my teacher tried to press my hand flat against a paper so she could trace it for me and my pinkie wouldn't lay flat. She kept trying to force it down (it hurt) and that was when I wondered if there was something wrong. Are there different types of camptodactyly that are less severe than others? It never even occurred to me that this is something that people would get therapy for, because it's never been a problem. I was just curious to find out why my finger couldn't straighten out all the way. I know of other members of my family who have it too, but I'm not sure how severely they may have it.

  13. Jane, thanks for your comment. You are absolutely correct in that the severity varies for camptodactyly. Obviously, I can't be certain of your diagnosis but seems quite possible that you have a mild camptodactyly. The fact that it hasn't worsened is great and means it likely will not get worse later (assuming you are fully grown- adolescent growth spurts can be associated with worsening). In patients with a mild deformity that doesn't interfere with activities, I rarely recommend even therapy.

  14. Hello Charles,

    I read this information and I agree completely with you.
    I have camptodactyly in my both hands ( pinky fingers).

    It has been worrying me. So I had a plastic surgery to my right pinky when i was 21. I feel like the doctor has not made the operation good.. Now I am not able to bend my pinky finger. It is slightly better than before in looks but I am not able to bend completely ..It is worse.. I need help of 4th finger to touch the palm. What is the reason? Can I get do further treatments to make it normal? I am experiencing difficulties to bend it.. It also pains.. sometimes the pain extends to whole right hand!,, I need help. i hope i can still make it completely alright or atleast make it to bend!

    Thanks in advance!

  15. Sorry to hear about your difficulty, unfortunately, it is not uncommon to hear. Camptodactyly surgery can sometimes cause more problems than the camptodactyly itself. That is why most surgeons who treat this believe that therapy to include splinting is the best treatment. If therapy is not successful, then surgery is considered.

    I always worry that patients I treat could lose the ability to bend the finger fully. Sometimes the finger becomes stiff and straight but it sounds like your situation is different- you can bend the finger (passive motion) but it just won't completely bend on its own (active motion). Therapy may be able to help as adhesions around the flexor tendons are the most likely cause. Good luck!

  16. Both my left and right little fingers are bent. However, at age 4 1/2, I started playing the piano and my right little finger improve dramatically (it is maybe now only bent 10%). Since I only started playing with my left hand later, my left little finger only improve to 50%.
    This to say that a splint might still be an option for your son at age 3.
    Good luck!

  17. I have this same condition in my little finger of the left hand same as the above picture i first noticed it when i was young but it never hurt until now, im 35 now and a month ago the knuckle started swelling and with a burning/painful sensation then the little finger on the right hand (always been straight) has started to swell and bend and extremely painful, now both fingers are burning/hurting which caused me to stop working while im waiting to see the surgeon which will be many months away ….i have a splint for the right finger and have been stretching it (right is way to far gone for a splint) is there anything else i can do to help ease the pain and stop it bending like the left finger

  18. Sorry to hear about your fingers. Your experience with the left small finger is most typical- painless but bent (flexed) position. I do not think the right small finger is the same problem and not sure why both are hurting. Possibly arthritis or a trauma. Agree that you need to be evaluated. Good luck.

  19. I have Camptodactyly and recently went to a consultation with my doctor, he said it is 60 degrees bent. its never been this bad but when i was child it was completely straight. My dad also has it but not as worse and so does my mums nan.
    I've been told surgery is the only way to fix it i was wondering will it ever be completely straight after my surgery?

    Thank You

  20. Hod Jam,
    Thank you for the question. I am not sure how old you are but there are 2 age peaks for camptodactyly- one peak is the first few years of life and the other is during the teenage years. Your camptodactyly may be the adolescent type- this type is associated with rapid growth during these years. Sometimes splinting can make a difference and is probably worth a try. However, a 60- degree contracture is high and splinting may be tough. Surgery is the other option, especially if your bent finger is limiting your function. If you chose to undergo surgery, it will likely improve your finger position but is unlikely to make the finger completely straight.

  21. I have lived with this for 56 years now. Both hands, right worse then left. Surgery was attempted at Mayo Clinic when I was in 5th grade, '67 or '68. It failed and I went back in 1980 and had another surgery on the same finger, as I had wanted them to take it off as it was constantly cold and I could not straighten it beyond 90 degrees. They would not do that, but managed to give me more extension and the return of some sensation, lost that also after original surgery. My right hand all fingers are probably about 90 degrees at full extension. My left hand is much better with ring and little finger close to being straight on full extension. Middle and index probably about 45 degrees on extension. I have worked as a medic for almost 20 years now. Played softball, mostly as a pitcher for almost 30 years. Yes there are times I wish I had straight fingers, could play the guitar etc.Times I asked why? But I managed. My eldest boy has the same, except he got his Mothers long fingers and when they, Mayo, wanted to do surgery when he reached 10 lbs, I said HELL NO!!
    So that's my deal.

  22. My daughter is about to turn one. We have recently noticed she has a unilateral camptodactyly on her rt little finger. We are slightly worried as she as has a large single cafe au lait spot on her chest and a umbilical hernia. She seems to be otherwise developing normally and has met all her developmental milestones. Could this combination be a sign of a syndrome, or is the camptodactyly likely to be an isolated issue?

    Can I also ask about a regime for passive stretching? How many times a day, and for how long each time?

  23. Thank you for the question. I am unaware of any specific connection between camptodactyly and cafe au lait spots but there could be an unusual genetic condition. For me, the key is that all else seems well including milestones, etc. Presumably, therefore, camptodactyly will be an isolated musculoskeletal condition.

    There are numerous passive stretching protocols and your doctor will certainly have a preference. To my patients, I recommend stretching for a few minutes with each diaper change. As your daughter gets a little older, a nighttime splint might be helpful.

    Good luck.

  24. Thank you for the question. There are several reasons for a bent finger, camptodactyly is certainly one reason, trigger finger is another. Making the diagnosis is important to better understand if it might improve over time. Sometimes stretching can be helpful and is almost always a good starting point. I hope this helps. Good luck

  25. I have both little fingers bent quite badly. I am female, aged 55. This condition is inherited from my father's side of the family. I live in an area of the UK settled originally by Vikings who, I read, brought the condition over from Scandinavia. I regard it now as my family heirloom, though suffered quite a bit through other children's comments when small. All this aside, I think a splint would have improved the look of my fingers greatly, though in the 1960's a doctor's appointment was not an option over this. Interestingly, about 5 years ago I lifted quite a heavy box, my little finger on my left hand went into spasm, got "stuck" completely straight and very painfully for a minute or so, and forever after I have been able to straighten it to a great degree. It was as if something like a tendon "snapped". I would imagine if I'd have had treatment in childhood, splint, massage, I may not now have these curled fingers.

  26. Vera,

    Thank you for sharing your experience. The 'Viking Disease' is Dupuytrens which is somewhat different than what you describe. Dupuytrens typically appears in middle age and causes progressive flexion of the fingers. You may have a trigger finger which is uncommon in children although somewhat more common in adults.

    Thank you again for sharing.

  27. Born with bilateral fifth finger campylodactyly and one of my two children has it also. Never been a problem for either of us. Just can't bend them independently, and seems like they are invisibly bound to the ring finger. Son is very athletic, ROTC rifle group, plays tuba. I'm an artist. Never interfered with any pursuits, and surgery might have left them totally useless.

  28. Thank you for the comment. I am glad to hear that you and your son are functioning at such a high level. Most people with camptodactyly do function really well. Severe camptodactyly, however, can be very limiting as the finger can't be straightened fully and can interfere with daily activities.
    I am not sure I understand the comment about bending independently- this is not classically seen in camptodactyly (which is an inability to straighten the middle finger joint).

    Thank you again for your comment.

  29. Hi,

    My son had an operation for camptodactyly of his little finger 3 months ago and is currently wearing a splint day and night for another 3 months. I have been advised to massage and stretch his finger for 10 minutes or so every day. His finger is straighter than it was but the middle joint is fairly rigid and a bit tender . He can wiggle his finger but I is unable to bend it now from the middle and top joints. Will this improve and can you suggest any particular exercises to improve his range of movement and strengthen his finger.

    Thank you….

  30. Elizabeth,
    Thank you for your question. As you know, camptodactyly limits finger straightening and finger bending (flexion) is ok. This is important as finger bending is more usually important for function and you don't want to lose that ability. Surgery to correct camptodactyly aims to allow more straightening but we do not want to lose the full bending ability (ie, you would not want to trade flexion to gain extension). So it is really important to work on flexion (bending) of the finger as much as possible. Obviously, I don't know all the details so can't comment specifically on your son but agree that regaining motion is really important at 3 months. Talk to your surgeon!

    Good luck.

  31. I am so happy I came across this article! I've always wondered why my ring and pinky fingers are unable to bend straight. I too noticed while doing hand tracing in grade school. I am now 26yrs old and it doesn't bother me much. I've noticed it will hurt sometimes with holding my phone or if I really pay attention to it. I probably won't seek any surgical relief for it as I've dealt with it for a long time. I just thought maybe there wasn't enough skin on my pinky for it to bend straight (that's sort of what it looks like). Thanks for posting this now I can stop calling it my little chicken wing 🙂

  32. My one year old daughter has fifth fingers that look very similar to the photo of pediatric trigger finger on both hands. She can straighten them if she grabs something, but doesn't always use them. Is there another name for that appearance, but with flexibility in the joint? It's starting to look like she may be a hyper mobile infant.

  33. Katie,
    Most kids have stiffness as I describe above but some kids are like your daughter- the finger stays in a bent position but can be straightened. I believe this is related to muscle weakness and see improvement over time in many kids. We call this clasped thumb when the thumb is involved. I would work to keep the finger limber and watch to see if the strength and active motion improve. Good luck.

  34. My son was born on 2/6/16 with both middle fingers bent at the tendon. Have you seen this before? We have been splinting then for the past 3 weeks and it's really helping straighten them. The Orthopedic pediatrician we saw has never seen both middle fingers like this before. I'm just worried about issues down the road, ie: syndromes, etc.

  35. Hello Rachel. It sounds like camptodactyly and yes, I absolutely have seen this on both sides involving only the middle fingers. I am glad the splints are helping and sometimes stretching can also help. It is something to keep an eye on with growth. Most kids I see with this presentation have no other issues but this can be associated with things like arthrogryposis. An experienced congenital hand surgeon or geneticist may be able to help with a diagnosis.

  36. Doctor my 1year old daughter when she born her 2 hands are folded and very difficult to straighten later doctors in India suggested to use splinth to straighten hands. Now she could able to open hand by 80perct he cant able to open fully because of less muscle growth and hand growth looks small. Could you suggest a solution for this.

  37. Mubharak,
    Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, this is very difficult to answer. Typically, splinting is the best early approach. Stretching is also important. Feel free to email me offline and send pictures.

  38. Hello, my daughter has this condition on both hands, the 3rd and 4th fingers. Her left is worse and the OTs say they can't really get a good measure but it's at least 60 degrees bent. She cannot straighten them at all and it really limits her. She has autism and is developmentally delayed as well. Fine motor activities are difficult. We splinted when she was young and had surgery on the skin a year ago. They did z plasty to stretch the skin and splinted at night for 6 weeks. I see no improvement. They didn't touch the pip joint. She also has similar contractures on the same toes, I think it's called claw toe?? Would it be worth doing a more extensive surgery? I really feel we need to do something as I'm worried it's getting worse…she is 15 and growing rapidly. Thoughts??

  39. Patti,

    Thank you for the question. It is obviously impossible for me to comment without seeing your daughter but I can share some general thoughts. First, if the fingers are getting in the way, additional surgery might be helpful, especially if therapy has failed. Often we splint through periods of rapid growth and hope that the finger position does not get worse. Good luck!

  40. I am a violinist, and my bent pinky, on both hands, is an advantage to (a) holding the bow properly, and (b) touching the finger to the string properly. I do not think of this as an abnormality or an obstacle. I think of my pinky as almost as versatile as my thumb, giving my two thumbs on each hand.

  41. Hi… My daughter is six weeks… I noticed at birth that three fingers on both hands cannot stretch …. Have so far seen an orthopedic and a hand therapist and splints were put. However they are quire uncomfortable as they have to be bandaged. Do you know where I can find baby friendly splints?…

  42. Pamela,

    Splints in the 6 weeks old can be very effective and hopefully will be for your daughter but fitting can be tricky. The best option is to see a therapist who has extensive pediatric experience with hand splints and hand anomalies. There are definitely tips and tricks that can help. Good luck!

  43. Hi my daughters 2 pinkies are bent they've been that way since birth we are waiting to see someone for it is there anything l can do to help her she finds it a bit difficult to grab things she just started to pull herself up holdin onto things can be a bit difficult for her she is 15month old.

  44. Splints at an early age can be very helpful in improving the finger position and, therefore, helping with function. A pediatric hand surgeon is your best resource and can help you find a good hand therapist to fit the splints (typically custom made). Good luck.

  45. My issue is that the pinky fingers on both hands do not bend at all at the middle joint. Since birth they have been frozen straight. No wrinkles as a result. I have never been able to find anything to label what genetic condition causes this. I also have several toes that don't bend in the joints either.

  46. I am also a professional violinist with bent pinkies on both hands. For me, it's a bit of a hindrance to properly placing the finger on the string (the finger contacts the string on the side rather than the tip), and extensions (a technique in violin playing) are quite difficult. Still I have had a long career playing violin professionally, so it hasn't kept me from being able to play.

  47. What happens if I injure my pinkey finger that is affected by this? I have a 90 degree bend in it. Lately I've noticed it getting stiff and shooting pains in it (after I slammed it in a door).

  48. I was born with camptodacaly, from the age of 4 to 12 i had numorous surgeries (at the royal childrens hospital in melbourne australia )to help improve them and the out come making them worse…. i am now 29 and as of late the pain in my right hand pinkie, ring finger and rude finger are begining to become unbearable to the piont i cant sleep at night.
    I no they say that camptodactaly and pain dont go together but i have always had pain but i am at the point i cant deal with it anymore … plz help i dont no what to do??

  49. Hayley, I am sorry to hear about your finger. Sometimes the joints with camptodactyly can develop arthritis and that can be painful. An x-ray would help you understand this better. If there is arthritis and pain, sometimes the joint can be fused (i.e., made stiff) in a functional position- this could eliminate the pain.

  50. Thank you for sharing your expertise in this field! My 8month old daughter has 4 fingers affected, ring finger and pinky on each side, all but one ring finger can be completely extended passively, but that finger has a stretch deficit of around 50-60 degrees when stretched passively and around 90 degrees when extended actively. Now one doc said we should just watch and wait and maybe do a surgery at the age of 2 years, no splints, no therapy. But I had to do something, just to know I tried everything and I went to a physical therapist (no hand therapist available here). And with passive stretching it immediately got a little bit better to ca.30 degrees deficit in passive stretching.
    So I guess continuation of therapy will make sense or does it really make no difference in the long term? How much long term improvement can I realistically expect? Do the other fingers that are bent but sometimes completely extended during play also need any therapy? Can they get worse over time?
    Thank you in advance!

  51. Elisabeth,
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. It unusual to have 4 fingers affected with a congenital camptodactyly. I assume that she is otherwise healthy. I am a believer in the value of splinting at night and stretching the fingers during the day. In my experience, it has proven very helpful for families. Ideally, a therapist can make a splint (and unfortunately remake given the rapid growth in hands). Good luck.

  52. theraHi… My cousin is 3 months … We noticed at birth that one fingers on on hand cannot stretch …. Have so far seen an orthopedic, he told us that she needs only excersise but other one told that she needs splint. I want to know if splint is according to age which size is better to her age?

  53. Wafaa,
    Thank you for the question. At this age, stretching is usually the best option for camptodactyly. This means passive stretching, often with each diaper change. Splints can help as well but often we start ing a little older age group.

    Good luck.

  54. hi my pinky finger is like the one in the pic but a bit worser lately my pinky finger has been feeling very sore and stuff it to bend and the knuckle has even went a bit red why is this because in the past my camptodacyly hasnt even bothered me? is there anything i can do now or im i too old for splinting as im 17

  55. My 2 week old son was born with contracture in 3 fingers on the right hand (middle, ring, and pinky fingers). I've been gently stretching the fingers daily and I have noticed improvement in the extension of the fingers. When should I you seek a hand or ortho surgeon for further advice. His pediatrician seems to think that isnt needed right now but I'm thinking the earlier the better. Is it too early for splinting?

  56. KPink,
    Thank you for the question. While it seems as though you and your pediatrician are treating this appropriately, I always like it when I have the chance to be involved at this stage. Stretching alone is great but nighttime splinting can also help. An experience congenital hand surgeon would be recommendation.

  57. Hello, I must say my 3 year old son has the same situation on the picture above. Both his left and right pinky is bent. We just discovered that when he was 5 months old and even the doctors haven't noticed that during well-baby check ups and such. We also tried to consult a surgeon before and he said it needs surgery and best be done when it is younger. I didn't push through that time because I am afraid of the idea of a toddler being done by that. Anyways, when I try to stretch it, I ask him if it hurts and he says no. However, he cannot control his pinkies and it's hard for him to lift his fourth fingers. What should I do? Should I let it be or better to have it treated? He isn't started schooling yet but if ever I will let it be treated, it must be better if it will be done before he goes to school.

  58. Thanks Alima. I strongly believe in therapy which includes stretching (painless as you note) and splinting. This can really help in certain patients. If therapy fails, there is some evidence that early surgery (in a child) is helpful to avoid deformity in the joint which can develop over time. Obviously the decision for surgery is complex and depends on multiple factors including severity of the contracture.

  59. Hello! Thanks so much for the article! I’m 26 years old now and I have had this issue in both my pinkies for as long as I can remember. My right pinky looks exactly like the one in the photo, but my left one is slightly less severe. I’ve always known it was a genetic thing, but to be honest I never realized that people sought treatment/physical therapy for it, because I definitely haven’t! Just figured it was one of those things that made me unique! It’s never really been a hinderance, although it does get sore if I write by hand for too long and I remember when I used to play piano as a kid it was a bit of a struggle to strike the keys repeatedly. Now I’m wondering though if it could potentially lead to arthritis or other issues for me when I’m older? I’m sure my knuckle cracking habit doesn’t help either! Thanks in advanced for your thoughts!

  60. Britni,
    Thank you for the comment. I am happy to hear that the camptodactyly has not been a major hinderance to you- it does depend on the severity. We do know that early, severe camptodactyly can lead to joint changes (ie, arthritis) in younger patients but we do NOT commonly see adults with arthritis related to camptodactyly. I would predict that your fingers should do fine over time. Good luck.

  61. My son is 5 years of age and he has this in both baby fingers only a small bit on his left but very bad on his right, it didn’t seem to bother him too much. He was in the hospital today with a doctor about it and they said they are referring him to a plastic surgeon that specializes it this but that they wouldn’t be able to do anything till he is 7 or 8 and that was it. Nobody has told me of anything I should be or could be doing to help in the mean time. I feel a bit lost about it.

  62. Thank you for your article. My daughter, who is 8 months old, is able to stretch out her pinky fingers but they are always a bit bent when they are at rest. When she grasps at an object, her pinky fingers don’t stretch out at the same rate as the rest of the fingers and end up being bent under the object. Could this be Camptodactyly? Thank you for your time.

  63. Kathy,
    Thank you for the question. Your daughter may have a mild form of camptodactyly. Sometimes this improves with time as the muscles that straighten the fingers (extensors) get stronger. If this does not occur, you might mention to your pediatrician and perhaps therapy will make some sense. This could include a night splint to help stretch the fingers or exercises/ play to strengthen the muscles (all depending on the severity).

    Good luck.

  64. My 10 days old daughter has camptodactyly in both pinkies . We live in a developing country with no much access for the needed specialized health care . Can you recommend more online materials about stretching exercises, being the only thing we can do for her in our conditions .

  65. Maha,
    Thank you. The stretches are quite simple- gentle straightening of the finger with pressure on top of the joint and on the bottom of the finger on either side of the joint (I hope that makes sense- there are 3 points of pressure). And hold this position for about 10 seconds and then let the finger relax. Repeat often (~ 4-5 sessions of 5 minutes each, every day). I hope that makes sense. Good luck.

  66. Dr Goldfarb
    In the past the patient had myotomy of hip adductors and knee/ankle/foot-fingers tenotomy this improved walking and let leg to grow to reach the other one. Is tenotomy and option to hand Camptodactyly in the five fingers of the hand? Are there videos showing excercises? Is there a relation with any Syndrom like Soto's or any other else? Could you recomend some doctor in Mexico City?

  67. Hello,
    First, sometimes cutting a tendon makes sense. So the short answer is yes. The associated diagnosis that first comes to mind is arthrogryposis but, obviously, that is impossible to know for me.
    There are not videos to my knowledge but I agree- that is a good suggestion for the future for this blog. I would go to the Shrine in Mexico City. I know several of the doctors and they do a nice job.

  68. I was born with Camptodactyly in both hands, the right is worse and now I am 53 is starting to cause some issues, ocassional pain and irritation, I have a 10 year old daughter and she has the identical same issue, which is gradually getting worse each year. I am planning to take her in and try splinting maybe I'll see if they can see me at the same time.

  69. Adrian,
    Thank you for the comment. I am glad you have done well for so long. Unfortunately, your finger may not respond to splinting (there could even be arthritis) but may be worth a try. Certainly for your daughter, it will likely make sense. Good luck.

  70. hi RIDI, i am in East Africa – Kenya, my daughter, now 3years old suffer the same and i mean exact condition on both hands, 3 fingers each hand, (index finger and Thumb not affected). we tried splinting for months when she was little to late last year, but each time, we removed the splints the fingers would assume the bent position…. just to encourage you, my daughter has since learnt to use her fingers as they are and she is already learning how to hold a pencil and scribble stuff. she can also hold her bottle as clap … her fingers improved up to around 55% and i think we can live with it. X-Rays confirmed that her finger joints are okay, and i believe that the muscles is what is most affected

  71. I am so glad I found this article. I definitely think this is what I have. My pinky looks exactly like the picture on my right hand. I am 31 years old now and I've noticed this since junior high. I thought maybe I broke my pinky and didn't realize I did but this makes so much sense. I does not bend at the middle at all and when I set my hand down on a flat surface the only finger that bends up is my pinky. Within the last 11 years I started having some irritation with it. I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome back then and it's gotten so bad I need surgery. Could that be the reason it's hurting? I'm not sure but this gave me a ton of clarity!!

  72. I’ve always had a bent pinky finger, just like the picture. I only noticed as a kid and being from the UK they wouldn’t treat me as it wasn’t an emergency or affecting me.
    Now I’m 30 and living in Korea where I can pay for treatment. Is it treatable or am I a lost cause now?

  73. Halfbloodpixie- thank you for writing. You are correct, at your age, it is less likely that surgery makes sense unless you have pain or unless the finger is getting in the way. And, surgery would be different as an adult. Good luck.

  74. Hello! I’ve just come across this article after researching what could be causing my son’s bent fingers. He is 4mths old has a severe bend on index finger (one slightly more than the other), and we are due to meet plastic surgeon soon.
    I believe he also has thumb hypoplasia. Interestingly I have thumb hypoplasia but no camptodactly. I wondered:
    – is having an operation better the younger the patient (4 month old starting to grab things)?
    – do you know of any UK specialist units for treatment?
    – if camptodactly is linked with thumb hypoplasia?
    Thanks so much

    1. Sophie,

      Thank you for reaching out and congratulations on the birth of your son. This does seem to be camptodactyly and I always begin with stretching the joint (after a physiotherapist visit). There is no urgency in surgery (if necessary) and I like to assure that therapy has failed and that the child is of an age to at least somewhat cooperate with therapy after surgery. Definitely prior to school. Finally, I have not associated camptodactyly with thumb hypoplasia- this OMIM (online mendelian inheritance in man) page is really the only connection I could find.

      Feel free to email with other questions.

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