Clasped Thumb Follow Up

I have posted several times on clasped thumb, a rare condition in which the muscles that straighten the thumb are slow to develop and the thumb rests across the thumb.  It must be differentiated from several other diagnoses included trigger thumb and spastic thumb (in which the tight muscles pull the thumb down).  Here are […]

Patient Pollicization Testimonial

Gracie is an 11- year old who had a pollicization 3 months ago for her hypoplastic (small) thumb. Compared to the typical patient treated with a pollicization, Gracie is unusual because she was much older at the time of her surgery.  Gracie’s age at the time of surgery does bring a few challenges mainly because […]

Surgery Ecosystem

There are many factors for families to consider as they choose a surgeon and a hospital.  There is no perfect path to making these choices but some factors that I believe are important include: 1) Surgeon.  I have previously blogged about choosing-your-childs-surgeon  and this is a key factor for consideration.   I believe that the surgeon […]