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Hand Camp 2019- St. Louis Shriners Hospital

I realize that I post about Hand Camp nearly every year.  Our St. Louis Shriners Hand Camp is really something special.  But I do so for good reason- it is just so impactful for kids, families, staff, and me!  Being outside the hospital setting allows a different kind of conversation and allows a different perspective for everyone.  Kids and families being with other kids and families with similar challenges is simply something that the hospital environment cannot reproduce.  Plus the activities at Hand Camp as shown below are fun, build confidence in the kids, and provide a similar sense of confidence for parents.  The parents come to really understand that their child truly will not have limits.  The group sessions allow honest conversation amongst parents and allows parents to ask our teen counselors questions- who better to provide a honest perspective than a teen or young adult who is living with similar challenges?

There a handful of Hand Camps throughout the US, some bigger than others but most with similar philosophies.  Most of these are hospital based and typically free for participants and families (ours certainly is).  Some are run through organizations:

Camp No Limits

Hands to Love


Here are a few pictures and videos to inspire us!

Hand Camp nature hut with guinea pig.

Shriners Hand Camp team.

Hand Camp.  Dream Team.

Shriners Hand Camp climbing wall

Inspirational video of the climbing wall.

Charles A. Goldfarb, MD              
My Bio at Washington University     

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