Understanding the Specifics of Upper Extremity Birth Differences, Part 2

It has been far too long since my post on the “Why” of Birth Differences.  I apologize and I know at least some of you have been awaiting this post.  No excuses but I am now on a new platform and the transition took time. This is Part 2 in which I will review some of the […]

Unusual “Extra” Finger

I have posted many times on polydactyly- both on the thumb side and the pinky side- as can be seen HERE.  The following patient demonstrates an unusual presentation of what initial appears to be an extra finger, an ulnar polydactyly.  But, as a quick ‘count’ confirms, there are only 4 fingers with a thumb. Ulnar deficiency […]

Extra Digits: functional and social considerations

Today, children born with extra fingers or toes (polydactyly) are typically treated with excision and reconstruction of the hand or foot.  There are multiple reasons for the surgical approach. First, the extra digit does not provide a functional advantage. The digits are rarely fully formed or fully functional.  Second, the extra digits can cause problems with […]

Extra Digits- What Happens After Treatment

Postaxial polydactyly is the medical term for an extra digit on the pinky side of the hand.  It is far and away the most common location for an extra digit.  It is much more commonly seen in African Americans compared to whites (the reverse is true with radial polydactyly– thumb side).  There is a definite […]

Small finger polydactyly, extra fingers

Extra fingers can be on the thumb side of the hand, the central part of the hand, or the small finger (pinky) side of the hand.  The location of the extra digit is important because it relates the risk of other conditions such as syndromes or other abnormalities.  Small finger polydactyly is the most common […]

Central Polysyndactyly

Polydactyly means that more than the normal 5 digits.  Typically patients have either an extra thumb or an extra pinky. A patient with radial polydactyly (extra thumb). Syndactyly is the abnormal joining of the fingers.  It is most common between the middle digits but can affect any of the fingers. Syndactyly of the fingers. While […]

Extra Digits

Polydactyly, or extra digits, is likely the most common type of birth abnormality affecting the hands.  Extra digits come in many different varieties, from complex extra digits affecting the thumb to small nubbins affecting the pinky.  In many cases of extra digits affecting the pinky, a simple surgery or simple suture around the extra digit […]

“Simple” Extra Digits

An extra finger on the pinky side of the hand is one of the most common birth anomalies of the hand.  The official name is ulnar polydactyly or postaxial polydactyly.  It is typically seen in African Americans and is usually passed on as an autosomal dominant trait.  OMIM has numerous details: http://omim.org/entry/174200?search=postaxial%20polydactyly&highlight=postaxial%20polydactyly In caucasians, it […]