Trigger Thumb and Fingers

Trigger thumb is one of the more common reasons for kids to present to my office.  While uncommon in the general population, for hand surgeons who treat children, trigger thumb is quite common.  And, thankfully, kids do quite well with this condition.  Some will improve on their own without surgical intervention and others require surgery […]

Trigger Thumb, Video

Most children with trigger thumb have a thumb stuck in a position of flexion.   It does not hurt but the thumb will not straighten.  While most kids function just fine, some activities may be difficult.  I have covered the basic in a previous post: In these cases of a locked trigger thumb, we typically, […]

Trigger Thumb/ Trigger Finger

Trigger digits are common in the adult population.  It can be called different things including stenosing tenosynovitis but we really do not understand who gets it and why they get it.  The only population that seems to get trigger fingers more than everyone else are diabetics.  Adults with trigger finger (and it really can be […]