Two different thumb birth differences

The thumb is our most important digit.  In the adult, we estimate that it affects about 40% of hand function.  So, a thumb that is not fully or normally developed may really affect our abilities- whether that be strength, motion, dexterity, etc.  I have written a number of posts (See HERE) about the thumb but […]

The Crooked Thumb

The process of limb development is truly amazing and unbelievably complex.  Developmental biologists and scientists help to explain these processes and our knowledge grows day by day.   As I explain to parents, what is truly remarkable is not that there is a child born with a limb difference but rather that it happen so […]

Ulnar Deficiency- Thumb Rotation

I have posted a number of times about both ulnar longitudinal deficiency and thumb anomalies.     As previously noted, in ulnar longitudinal deficiency, we more commonly offer surgery for the hand compared to the forearm.  The forearm rotation abnormality is usually something that kids can adapt to as the shoulder offers so much compensatory motion.  The hand is, […]

Early Outcome for Pollicization (creation of a thumb)

Pollicization is the name of the surgery which entails the creation of a new thumb, a “Pollex” (Latin for thumb).  For those of us who regularly care for children born with anomalies of the upper extremity, this is perhaps our favorite because it dramatically helps both appearance and function.  I have previously blogged about pollicization […]