The Future of Prosthetics??

A National Public Radio (NPR) story has brought attention to 3-D printing and the world of prosthetics. Prosthetic limbs are tricky for any age patient and especially for children.  First, prosthetics are expensive and the growing child needs new prosthetics on a regular basis due to growth.  Second, prosthetics can be a challenge to […]

The Power of a Positive Outlook

It is amazing how much my patients teach me every day.  The power of positive thinking and the power of a positive outlook mean so much.  This newspaper piece highlights this attitude.

Too much about me

I have been asked on several occasions by patients (or prospective patients) to provide more information on the blog about my professional career.  Enclosed, please find a variety of links including local and regional publications and videos.  I have included links to several books and articles. First, my basic bio from Washington University Others:1) Great […]

Limb Formation

I have been remiss in that I have not given an overview of limb formation.  Mind you, this is  a topic that is constantly changing- we learn more each year about the process, the proteins, the timing, etc.  So this is a hand surgeon’s perspective in 2012.  There are others with a much better understanding […]


This list will be updated on a regular basis with books that send the right message to kids with congenital differences.  I welcome any feedback or suggestions. 1. Harry and Willy and Carrothead by Judith Casely.2. Oliver’s High Five by Beverly Swerdlow Brown3. Elmer by David McKee4. Why Me? by Julie Parker

Diagnosis and Evaluation

So your child has a congenital anomaly of the upper extremity.  The first step in moving forward is assuring the correct diagnosis.  While this sounds obvious, it is not always easy.  Some conditions are over- diagnoses such as constriction band (amniotic band) syndrome and some are under-diagnosed, such as symbrachydactyly.  The correct diagnosis is important […]