In early September, we had Hand Camp in Pitosi, Missouri. It’s amazing so share that this camp has been changing lives since 2008 (we did miss a few pandemic years). The impact of the camp is difficult to share in this blog but I do want to share a few things. The camp is so […]
Category: Newsworthy
Hand Camp 2022
I am so excited that we were able to host Hand Camp in 2022. This camp is supported by the St Louis Shriners Hospital and organized by the amazing hand therapy team. We had our first hand camp back in 2008 with only minor interruptions since (COVID). This year we hosted 19 families (including affected […]
Rare Condition of Patient with 3- arms, Special Relationship

It has been more than 10 years since I first met a special child from Central America. He had a condition which is incredibly rare, with only a few reports ever. You see, Erickson was born with 3- arms. His right side was normal but, on the left, he two arms. The upper one had […]
Understanding the ‘Why’ of Upper Extremity Birth Differences Part 1

Birth differences of the upper extremity have many different forms/ presentations. These can be a dramatic with a shortened or deviated extremity or very subtle/ mild with slightly short fingers or a subtle lack of muscle development. In my three decades of caring for kids, it has always been clear that our team is truly […]
Congenital Differences- Timing of Intervention in the era of COVID-19
March 28, 2020 We are in an unprecedented time. COVID-19, the coronavirus which began in Wuhan Province in China in late 2019, has impacted our world in many ways. Medical centers in the US and Europe are in a time of crisis as they prepare for or are in the midst of the pandemic. In […]
Research Matters
The Paul R. Manske Award for Best Congenital Manuscript is named for my late partner who had such an important impact on the field. This Award recognizes the most impactful paper related to kids born with hand or arm differences, anomalies, etc. I am happy to say that our paper was selected for this award […]
Travel and News
Happy 2018! I hope it is a great one for you and your family. Well, I already have one resolution for 2018- blog more consistently. I am not meeting my goals and hope to do better in this new year. A few things to share. I had a wonderful trip to Japan as guest speaker […]
First Pitch World Series
Hailey Dawson has been in the news over the last few months as she seeks to throw the first pitch in all the Major League Ballparks. Well, she took a big step tonight on the biggest stage- the World Series! World Series Story. What a great story which helps to raise awareness of birth differences of […]
Media Links
I would like to share a few media links which I have enjoyed. The first is from the New York Times- LINK– on the 3D printed prosthetic. Interesting read and highlights some of the information we have also shared: My Blog’s 3D printed information. Additionally, the St Louis Post Dispatch recently shared a great story about […]
ASSH Annual Meeting 2016
I recently returned from Austin Texas, site of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Meeting. This was the first time the meeting was held in Austin but I am sure we will be back. I thought the overall meeting was really well done with a great mix of scientific content and review […]
Hand Camp 2016
Once a year, Hand Camp is held in Pitosi, Missouri at Camp Lakewood. This is a wonderful opportunity for 15 kids with hand and arm differences to come to camp with their entire family (parents, siblings). The kids get a chance to meet and socialize with kids with similar brith differences but also work with […]
Great Rio 2016 Paralympic Video
Wow! Great Video Charles A. Goldfarb, MDMy Bio at Washington
Extra Digits: functional and social considerations
Today, children born with extra fingers or toes (polydactyly) are typically treated with excision and reconstruction of the hand or foot. There are multiple reasons for the surgical approach. First, the extra digit does not provide a functional advantage. The digits are rarely fully formed or fully functional. Second, the extra digits can cause problems with […]
Rebuilding the Mirror Hand
Mirror hand is an incredibly rare birth difference of the hand and upper extremity. I have previously blogged about this diagnosis, specifically regarding how limbs form and how birth differences come to be- find the post HERE. But I have not previously written about the reconstruction or rebuilding of the mirror hand. And there is very […]
Prosthetics: 3D Printed vs Task Designed
The Shriners Hospitals have long been known for Prosthetics. Each hospital in the system has expertise for both upper and lower extremity prosthetics. As I have mentioned in previous blog POSTS, there is a great deal of new, exciting progress in the field. We continue to work here at the Shriners Hospital in St Louis and St […]
A New Year filled with Hope
Happy New Year! My hope for 2016 is much progress towards our understanding of birth differences of the upper extremity. My primary resolution is to continue our research in St Louis at Washington University, St. Louis Childrens Hospital, and the Shriners Hospital for Children. We have a number of exciting projects underway including: The CoULD […]
3D Progress
I have posted several times previously on our work with 3D Printed Prosthetics, the posts are compiled here. Sydney is one of our patients who has been a big part of this process. She recently received the latest prosthetic version, a 3D Printed, Myoelectric device and fabricated for about $110. Today, there was a great deal […]
I am fortunate. Each day I am inspired by the kids (and families) that I am able to treat. These children are born with differences and, therefore, they do not know any other way. But they must learn to exist in the everyday world with functional and social challenges. And succeed they do. Each child […]
Shark Tank
Proud to post about my wife and her business, Myself Belts. Talia and her sister created a patented belt that allows kids and adults to fasten a belt with one hand! The belt has been really helpful for many of my patients. Check out her Website! The exciting news is that Talia and Myself Belts will […]
St Louis Shriners Hospital Does Great Things for Kids
I am very fortunate to work at the St Louis Shriners Hospital. The first Shriners Hospital opened in 1922 in Shreveport, Louisiana and more soon followed to care for children with polio. The St Louis Shriners Hospital opened in 1924 on the main campus of Barnes Hospital and moved to the current location on Lindbergh […]
Patient TV Interview Regarding 3D Printed Prosthesis
Check out this great interview with a wonderful patient/ family regarding our 3D printed prosthesis. Go Sydney! Interview with Sydney and family Charles A. Goldfarb, MDMy Bio at Washington
More on 3D Printing
I have shared my thoughts on 3D printing with several previous posts 3D link Second 3D link In addition, I have recently been working with a reporter from the largest magazine in South America about 3D printing and medical applications. I look forward to this article- the more press, the better for the progress […]
Best Scientific Publication on Birth Anomalies of the Upper Extremity
I have been fortunate to learn from a number of wonderful hand surgeons over my career. One of the most impactful was Paul Manske, a hand surgeon and, more specifically, a congenital hand surgeon. He spent the majority of his career here at Washington University School of Medicine. I am not alone in this sentiment […]
Popular Press News Stories
I have attached a few links that I believe you might like to see. These are stories relating to birth anomalies of the hand and upper extremities. These stories were in the popular press. World Cup Soccer Interesting link which is also thought provoking. Thanks to Terry Light. Phantom Limb Pain Link regarding birth anomalies […]
Robohand I previously blogged about Robohand 2.0 Previous Robohand Post The group has now fitted one great patient with an unfortunate injury. She now has a powered prosthetic and she loves it! Check out this news story and video. Fox-2 News Story Here is another link with more information on the story from Washington University News […]
Popular Press on Prosthetics
Prosthetics have been in the press lately. I have found two issues particularly interesting; one is a note a caution and the other an important step forward. The first article nicely presents a reality check towards much of the excitement regarding myoelectric prostheses. While there is good reason to be excited about technology and prosthetics, […]
Robohand 2.0 (powered, 3D printed hand)
The Robohand has been getting an amazing amount of press in recent months. I have previously blogged on the topic Previous Prosthetic post with basic information. Since then, there has been a Kansas City Star article on the topic. As I previously mentioned, I had the opportunity to work with senior engineering students at Washington University, Biomedical Engineering […]
A couple of news stories over the last week have highlighted children at the Shriners Hospital and St Louis Childrens Hospital. The first child is a Shriners Hospital patient and a part of a great family. Mom and all three children have thumb anomalies, although each individual is a bit different. We have been able […]
The Future of Prosthetics??
A National Public Radio (NPR) story has brought attention to 3-D printing and the world of prosthetics. Prosthetic limbs are tricky for any age patient and especially for children. First, prosthetics are expensive and the growing child needs new prosthetics on a regular basis due to growth. Second, prosthetics can be a challenge to […]
Amazing People
I will try to share links to interesting people and news stories as I become aware. Here is a new link. I do disagree with the diagnosis (amniotic constriction band)- instead, based on what I can see, it looks like symbrachydactyly. Here is one such link to an amazing basketball player (near and dear […]
I hope the blog has been helpful for patients and families. My goal is a weekly post and while I am not always successful at this target, I feel like I have been pretty good at regularly sharing my thoughts. My efforts on this blog have made me realize how hard people work to regularly […]